Weekly update #0004

On Saturday and Sunday I continued walking/hiking the Great River Path. That runs from Hoek van Holland (Netherlands) to Kleve (Germany) and has a length of 267 kilometres.


What Distance Time Speed
Walking 99.32 km 20h 53m 4.76 km/h

Health indicators

What Old New Diff
Weight 98 kg 95.5 kg -2.5 kg
BMI 32.0 31.2 -0.8
Cardio Fitness 32.5 33.5 +1.0
Walking HR 107 bpm 105 bpm -2
Resting HR 60 bpm 56 bpm -4
Cardio Recover 24 bpm 23 bpm -1
Sleep 7h 12m 6h 48m -24m

Walking HR, Resting HR, Cardio Recovery, and Sleep are weekly averages.

#100DaysToOffload 13/100